Canada Field Guides

Canada is a pre-eminently a destination to enjoy natural beauty: mostly Alberta, British Columbia and Vancouver are popular regions for travelers looking for great outdoor experiences.

Wildlife in Canada

The chances of running into wild animals during your visit to Canada are pretty high: bears, wolves, lynxes, beavers, moose, and other mammals wander the Canadian wilderness. If your are visiting the western coast or the northwest of Canada, don't miss out on a whale watching tour. It's a unique possibility to watch these amazing animals from up-close. When you are going for a round trip to Canada, be sure to take with you a handy Canada nature guide. NatureScanner offers handy, laminated field guides: foldable cards containing illustrations of Canada's most common animals.

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  • Alberta - Wildlife
    Alberta - Wildlife

    Learn to identify bears, bighorn sheep, and many other animals in Alberta with this fold-out field guide. It features clear illustrations and brief descriptions of 140 species of wildlife.

    € 9,45
  • Alberta - Birds
    Alberta - Birds

    The most commonly seen birds of Alberta are summarized in this handy fold-out field guide. Learn to easily identify bird species with the help of illustrations.

    € 9,45
  • Atlantic Canada Birds
    Atlantic Canada Birds

    Bird guide of Eastern Canada. The most commonly seen waterfowl, songbirds, birds of prey, and the best birding areas in Atlantic Canada.

    € 9,45
  • Banff national park Wildlife
    Banff national park Wildlife

    Nature guide about the flora and fauna of Banff National Park in Canada. Through illustrations, you can easily learn to recognize the most beautiful plants, flowers, trees, and animals in Banff.

    € 9,95
  • British Columbia Wildlife
    British Columbia Wildlife

    Common animal species in British Columbia summarized in this handy fold-out field guide. From marine animals and birds to butterflies and mammals. A must-have for your suitcase.

    € 9,95
  • British Columbia - Birds
    British Columbia - Birds

    Nature guide featuring the most common bird species in British Columbia, Canada. The back of the guide includes a map of the best spots for birdwatching.

    € 9,45
  • Manitoba - Birds
    Manitoba - Birds

    The most common birds of Manitoba can be found in this pocket birding guide with illustrations. Easy and fun to use for bird identification while traveling.

    € 9,45
  • Quebec - Birds
    Quebec - Birds

    Handy foldable bird guide of Quebec, Canada. The colored bird illustrations in the guide are organized by species. The French, English, and scientific names are listed below each illustration.

    € 9,45
  • Vancouver - Birds
    Vancouver - Birds

    Fold-out bird guide of Vancouver. Discover the most common bird species around Vancouver, Canada. This handy field guide featuring frequently seen birds is a must-have during a tour of Vancouver.

    € 9,95
  • Arctic Wildlife
    Arctic Wildlife

    Pocket guide with the most common animal and plant species in the Northern arctic regions. Explore land and sea mammals as well as commonly seen birds.

    € 9,45
  • North Pacific Coast - Marine Mammals
    North Pacific Coast - Marine Mammals

    Field guide with an overview of whales and other marine mammals in the Northern Pacific Ocean. Handy for those going on a whale-watching safari on the west coast of the US and Canada.

    € 7,95
  • North Pacific Coast - Killer Whales
    North Pacific Coast - Killer Whales

    Learn to recognize killer whale behavior through illustrations and brief text. Perfect for a whale-watching safari or a presentation on orcas.

    € 7,95
  • North Atlantic Coast - Marine Mammals & Sea Turtles
    North Atlantic Coast - Marine Mammals & Sea Turtles

    Guide with illustrations of the most common marine mammals along the Atlantic coast of America. Learn to identify whale and dolphin species while traveling.

    € 8,95
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