California Field Guides

A round trip through California offers a great mix of culture and nature. Metropolitan cities like San Fransisco and Los Angeles are interspersed with beautiful nature parks. Hence, a good travel guide comes in handy if you are planning a trip to California. It's not just the Californian mainland that has lots to offer, also the coastal region is a great starting point for excellent excursions, like whale whatching tours, fishing tours or diving trips.

Nature guide California

Are you planning on going on one of the aforementioned excursions? NatureScanner holds a variety of California nature guides for those about to explore the Pacific Ocean: these are laminated field guides (cards) to identify the most common marine life. But we also offer nature guides for land mammals, birds and trees in California, as well as some of the national parks like Yosemite.

Waterford Press California

Waterford Press is the main publisher of field guides in our webshop.

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  • Wildlife in California
    Wildlife in California

    California animal guide. Fold-out nature guide of California featuring commonly seen mammals, birds, and other animal species in the western United States. Laminated wildlife guide with illustrations of species.

    € 9,85
  • California - Birds
    California - Birds

    Bird Guide of California featuring the most common bird species in the Golden State. Learn to recognize birds by looking at the illustrations in this laminated field guide.

    € 9,85
  • Trees and Wildflowers in California
    Trees and Wildflowers in California

    Learn to recognize the most common trees, plants, and flowers in California. The back of the field guide lists nature parks abundant with flora in California.

    € 9,85
  • Los Angeles - Wildlife
    Los Angeles - Wildlife

    Guide to common wildlife in and around Los Angeles. From urban wildlife to coastal and mountain animals. Identify animals with this handy identification card.

    € 9,95
  • Sierra Nevada Wildlife
    Sierra Nevada Wildlife

    Nature guide Sierra Nevada America. Wildlife guide featuring the most common birds, mammals and other animals in Sierra Nevada National Park in California. Includes a map of the best spots in the mountains to see wildlife.

    € 9,85
  • Sierra Nevada - Trees and Wildflowers
    Sierra Nevada - Trees and Wildflowers

    Pocket guide to help identify common flowers and trees in the Sierra Nevada. Foldable guide with illustrations.

    € 9,85
  • Sierra Nevada Birds
    Sierra Nevada Birds

    Fold-out bird guide featuring common bird species in the Sierra Nevada. Over 140 species illustrated. Laminated and foldable for convenience.

    € 9,85
  • Yosemite - Wildlife
    Yosemite - Wildlife

    Laminated field guide of animals in Yosemite National Park. Learn to recognize wildlife by illustrations in this fold-out map.

    € 9,85
  • California - Marine mammals
    California - Marine mammals

    Card with the most commonly seen marine mammals in California. Learn to recognize dolphins and whales using the pictures in this nature guide. Super handy for a whale watching tour.

    € 7,95
  • California - Whale and dolphin behaviors
    California - Whale and dolphin behaviors

    Interested in the behavior of marine mammals? Then this guide with explanations of whale and dolphin behavior is perfect for you. Learn more through illustrations and brief text.

    € 7,95 € 5,00
  • California - Bottom fish
    California - Bottom fish

    Practical card with common bottom fish in California. Learn to identify fish using this laminated card with illustrations.

    € 7,95
  • California - Sport fish
    California - Sport fish

    Common fish species in California, handy for those planning a fishing trip. This guide helps you identify the species you’ve caught.

    € 7,95 € 6,95
  • Bats

    Foldable nature guide to help you identify different species of bats. Handy for travel, but also great for presentations.

    € 10,45
  • Volcanoes

    Guidebook about volcanoes with handy facts about this fascinating natural phenomenon. Great for deepening knowledge before a trip or useful for a presentation.

    € 9,85
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