Travel Guides France

If you are planning on a nature filled trip to France, it helps when you bring a good guidebook. NatureScanner offers some of the best nature and wildlife guides, field guides and travel guides. Read all about the natural sights, landscapes, fauna and flora and breathtaking hiking trails throughout France.

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  • France Birds
    France Birds

    New Field guide birds of France.

    Nature guide of FranceLaminated fold out pocket guide of common birds in France
    Bird watching guide | Waterford PressIdentification guide birds of FranceWith this guide at hand, every bird lover…

    € 9,95
  • Bats

    Foldable nature guide to help you identify different species of bats. Handy for travel, but also great for presentations.

    € 10,45
  • Nature guide Loire
    Nature guide Loire

    Nature guide Loire ValleyCrossbill Guides - Loire Valley | Loire, Brenne and Sologne - FranceEnglish nature guide on the scenery, fauna and flora and walking and hiking trails in the Loire Valley in France |
    Crossbill Guides…

    € 24,95 € 15,00
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