Panama Field Guides

Nature lovers paradise! This country boasts one of the world's richest levels of plants and wildlife.

​Which animals live in Panama? Can we encounter dangerous snakes and how can we know which mammal tracks we see in the jungle? Do they have nice flowers in Panama, and tropical fruits? Discover everything about wildlife in Panama, illustrations of fauna and flora in Panama in these Panama Field guides: laminated fold out pocket nature guides of animals, plants and trees.

Rainforest Publications Panama

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  • Panama - Wildlife guide
    Panama - Wildlife guide

    Fold-out guide - Panama WildlifePocket field guide including the most common wildlife in Panama.
    Panama Animals - Wildlife Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-42-2)Wildlife in PanamaWhich animals can be found in…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Mammals
    Panama - Mammals

    Fold-out guide - Panama - MammalsPocket field guide of the most common mammals in Panama.
    Panama - Mammals Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-45-7)Mammals in PanamaWhich animals can be found in Panama? When you…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Amphibians
    Panama - Amphibians

    Fold-out guide - Panama Frogs and AmphibiansPocket field guide of the most common amphibians and frogs in Panama.
    Panama - Amphibians Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-93-7)Amphibians in PanamaOnly a few…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Reptiles
    Panama - Reptiles

    Fold-out guide - Panama - ReptilesPocket field guide including the most common reptiles in Panama.
    Panama - Reptiles Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-37-6)Reptiles in PanamaWeather you like them or not,…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Birds
    Panama - Birds

    Pocket guide of the most common birds in Panama. Pocket Naturalist Guide Panama bird guide | Waterford Press Birds in Panama

    Field Guide - Bird Guide PanamaWhich birds are found in Panama? Discover the incredible diversity of…

    € 9,95
  • Panama - Birds Central Panama
    Panama - Birds Central Panama

    Fold-out guide - Panama - Birds in Central PanamaPocket field guide of the most common birds in Central Panama.
    Panama - Central Birds Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-60-0)Birds in Central PanamaWhich birds…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Birds of Western Panama
    Panama - Birds of Western Panama

    Fold-out guide - Panama - Birds in Western PanamaPocket field guide of the most common birds in Western Panama.
    Panama - Western Birds Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-72-4)Birds in Western PanamaPanama is a…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Butterflies
    Panama - Butterflies

    Fold-out guide - Panama - ButterfliesPocket field guide of the most common butterflies in Panama.
    Panama Butterfly Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-85-6)Panama ButterfliesWhich butterflies can be found in Panama? The…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Trees
    Panama - Trees

    Fold-out guide - Panama Tropical TreesPocket field guide of the most common trees in Panama.
    Panama Tropical Trees Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-67-8)Trees in PanamaDuring a round trip through Panama you…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Tropical Flowers
    Panama - Tropical Flowers

    Fold-out guide - Panama Tropical FlowersPocket field guide of the most common tropical flowers in Panama.
    Panama - Tropical Flowers Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-43-0)Tropical Flowers in PanamaWhich flowers…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Orchids
    Panama - Orchids

    Fold-out guide - Panama - OrchidsPocket field guide of the most common orchids in Panama.
    Panama Orchids Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-63-5)Orchids in PanamaDuring a holiday in Panama you will be suprised…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Hummingbirds
    Panama - Hummingbirds

    Compact field guide with 60 illustrations and facts about hummingbirds in Panama. Laminated and practical for nature adventures. Don’t miss a single species!

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Tropical Fruit
    Panama - Tropical Fruit

    Fold-out guide - Panama - Tropical FruitPocket field guide of the most common fruit in Panama.
    Panama - Tropical Fruit Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-796-1)Fruit in PanamaA trip to Panama will overwhelm you…

    € 10,45
  • Panama - Marine Guide Pacific Coast
    Panama - Marine Guide Pacific Coast

    Discover Panama’s marine life with this compact marine guide! Over 150 images and information on fish, mammals, and turtles.

    € 10,45
  • Bats

    Foldable nature guide to help you identify different species of bats. Handy for travel, but also great for presentations.

    € 10,45
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