Florida Field Guides

Florida is a great destination if you are looking at a two week holiday trip. With its lovely climate, beautiful beaches and fun theme parks you can't go wrong with visiting Florida, but make sure you don't miss out on its beautiful natural sites, as it has got plenty.

Wildlife, fish and birds in Florida

In its wild nature parks there are plenty of options to look for animals, so make sure you take a good Florida nature guide with you. Which birds are found in FloridaWich animals are found along the Florida coast? If you are into diving and scuba diving, NatureScanner offers a laminated field guide. This foldable card comes in handy if you are interested in the kind of fish and marine mammals you may encounter during a diving or scuba diving trip. The other identification guides will help you to recognize the most common encountered animals. We also have specific guides for the Everglades.

Waterford Press Florida

Most of the guides in our shop are from publisher Waterford Press.

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  • Florida wildlife guide
    Florida wildlife guide

    The unique ecosystem of Florida hosts countless animals. In this nature guide, you'll find the most common wildlife in Florida along with their names, tracks, calls, or other notable features. The fold-out nature guide of Florida.

    € 9,85
  • Florida - Birds
    Florida - Birds

    Convenient fold-out bird guide of Florida. A must-have during a nature vacation in this American state.

    € 9,85
  • Florida - Reptiles and Amphibians
    Florida - Reptiles and Amphibians

    Discover the most common turtles, snakes, frogs, toads, salamanders and alligators of Florida. A guide featuring all amphibians and reptiles in the American state.

    € 9,85
  • Everglades Wildlife guide
    Everglades Wildlife guide

    Wildlife of the Everglades. Handy nature guide of one of the most beautiful areas in Florida. During a nature trip, this park is a must-have on your list. Here you will find all common animal species in one guide.

    € 9,85
  • Everglades Birds
    Everglades Birds

    Bird guide Everglades - During a visit to Florida's most famous natural area, this handy nature guide is a must-have. Recognize and observe the many bird species in the Everglades with the help of this fold-out card.

    € 9,85
  • Florida Field Guide - Reef fish
    Florida Field Guide - Reef fish

    Exploring Florida’s underwater world? Then this dive guide with common reef fish is a must-have in your luggage. Learn to easily recognize the species through illustrations.

    € 8,95
  • Florida - Sea and Shore birds
    Florida - Sea and Shore birds

    Practical identification card for coastal and seabirds in Florida. Perfect for learning to identify bird species while traveling, using illustrations.

    € 8,95
  • Florida - Sea mammals
    Florida - Sea mammals

    Laminated guide with the most commonly seen marine mammals of Florida. From whales to manatees and dolphins. Learn to identify species with this identification card featuring illustrations.

    € 8,95
  • Bats

    Foldable nature guide to help you identify different species of bats. Handy for travel, but also great for presentations.

    € 10,45
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