Panama - Birds of Western Panama

Item 38 of 45
€ 10,45 (including VAT)

Fold-out guide - Panama - Birds in Western Panama

Pocket field guide of the most common birds in Western Panama.
Panama - Western Birds Pocket Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-72-4)

Birds in Western Panama

Panama is a great destination for birdwatching, so it's essential you take hold of a good guide before heading to Panama. This fold-out shows the most common birds in Western Panama. It measures 9 x 22 cm when folded up: a practical size which makes it easy to bring along on a birding trip. Because the guide is laminated, it is sunproof and waterproof, so you don't have to worry about the guide getting damaged.

Panama - Western Panama Birds Field Guide

ISBN / Code: 1888538-60-0
Publisher: Rainforest Publications
Type: Nature guide / Fold-out guide
Language: English - Spanish - Latin

Aves en el oeste de Panamá (ES) - Vogels in West-Panama (NL)

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