Costa Rica - Birds
OverviewGeneral Costa Rica Bird Guide
Pocket-sized field guide featuring all bird species found in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Bird Guide | Waterford Press
Which birds can be found in Costa Rica? There are a lot! In addition to the more specialized fold-out charts from Rainforest Publications (such as birds of the cloud forests, Central Valley birds, hummingbirds, Pacific dry forest, Pacific rainforest, and Caribbean coast birds), this general bird guide is perfect for those who want to quickly and easily identify the most commonly seen bird species in Costa Rica.
This bird guide includes frequently spotted bird species and, on the back, a small map highlighting the 24 best birdwatching areas in Costa Rica.
Foldable Field Guide of Costa Rica’s Birds
Publisher: Waterford Press
ISBN: 978-1-62005-540-3
Type: Nature Guide / Fold-Out Chart
Language: English - Spanish - Latin