Peru - Mammals

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Pocket Field Guide - Peru - Mammals

Pocket field guide with the most common mammals in Peru.
Peru - Mammals Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-74-0)

This convenient guide gives a summary of the most common mammals in Peru. This nature guide is laminated, so you don't have to worry the guide gets damaged on your Peru trip. The guide gives an overview of the mammals, including Latin, Spanish and English name translations. Furthermore it provides information on the size of the animals featured. Please be aware that this guide might not be available in Peru, so get your guide beforehand to make sure to easily identify and cross off all the animals you see. For every guide sold, a small amount of money is going to a local nature preservation project.

The laminated guide measures 17,85 x 28 cm and is printed on both sides.

Peru - Mammals pocket field guide

ISBN / Code: 1888538-74-0
Publisher: Rainforest Publications
Type: Nature guide
Language: English - Spanish - Latin

Mamíferos de Perú (ES) - Zoogdieren in Peru (NL)

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