Peru - Birds of Peru

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Field guide - Peru birds

Pocket field guide of the most encountered birds of Peru.
Peru - Birds Field Guide | Rainforest Publications (1888538-47-3)

Bird guide Peru

Over 1.800 bird species have been recorded in Peru's divers habitats.

Which birds can be seen in Peru? Vultures, herons, eagles, hawks, parrots, kingfishers, macaws, cuckoos, owls, hermits, coquettes, woodpeckers, woodcreepers, trogons, puffbirds, motmots, kingbirds, flycatchers, tanagers, pelicans and the national bird of Peru, the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock. Peru's diverse habitats are home to more than 1.800 species. This fold out nature guide shows 242 of the most observed birds in Peru. The bird guide is laminated and easily fits into your bag. Coloured illustrations, size of the birds, English name, Spanish name and French name.

Peru - Birds in Peru field guide

ISBN / Code: 1888538-47-3
Publisher: Rainforest Publications
Type: Bird guide
Language: English - Spanish - French

Vogels in Peru (NL) - Oiseaux de Pérou (FR) - Aves en Perú (ES)

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